Southern Knights’ Retrievers offers multiple training programs fit for any dog, ranging from the most inexperienced to fine tuning gun dogs for the upcoming hunting seasons. See our list of training programs for more details.
Basic Obedience
This program is for people who want a polite, well mannered dog, not necessarily a hunter. Basic obedience training lasts about 1 month, but time could vary based on a dog’s performance. Training includes basic commands such as sit, stay, kennel, and here as well as socialization with other dogs.
Started Program
The “started” program typically lasts 4-6 months. This includes collar conditioning, force fetch, retrieving single and double marks, introduction to gun fire, and dead birds.
Complete Duck Dog Program
The “complete” program is an addition to our started program. Therefore, after the “started” program is complete training will advance to multiple marks, blinds, hand signals, and various hunting situations. This program lasts at least 10 months or longer depending on the dog.
Pointing Dog
SKR offer a started pointing dog program, including introduction to birds, gunfire, pointing, and steadiness on game.
Puppies and/or started dogs are available at times at our facility. Contact Chris Knight for more details on available dogs. Call or text (731) 592-5740 or email at [email protected].